Wednesday 20 May 2009


Today was the funeral of a much admired and respected man, Chris Mills. He was a cantankerous old git to many who knew him(all part of his charm!) and also a dear loyal friend to many more.
I didn't attend the funeral ceremony with the hundreds of other people who went, choosing instead to stay behind at the pub and prepare the food-An Indian Feast! Which he would have loved. He always enjoyed whatever meal I put in front of him, well...He said he did anyway. In fact, his last proper meal before he died was one I prepared( It was Cancer which killed him, not my cooking!) So I thought that by doing the food today, I could honour him in my own small way.
I have fond memories of sitting at the bar in the pub with him, drinking the night and our troubles away. Telling him off for not looking after himself and him tutting at myself and my sister for whatever drunken antics he'd witnessed of us the night before.
"Good Lord... What were you two girls up to last night?" He would invariably say.
He hated Christmas more than anything. With no children of his own, he lost the magic of it in his youth. Which is such a shame, as he would have been a wonderful father to have around at Christmas, at any time in fact.
I will miss him grumbling and muttering away, and I will always miss his sarcastic sense of humour and his laugh. I'm sure he would be proud that so very many of his friends were there today. Every one with a little story of him to tell.
He would be horrified but secretly amused to know we are planning a summer Christmas party to raise money for the hospice where he spent so much time in his final days. Though he will be watching us wherever he is and tapping his foot slyly thinking no one can see, as he did in life.
I will raise a glass to him, but I shall not cry, for he needs no more tears.
Just a smile and a Bah Humbug.
To Chris, our real life Scrooge, Rest In Peace forever